Day 5
I am learning Python for automating IT tasks and documenting my process/progress here.
Comparison operators
* a == b: a is equal to b
* a != b: a is different than b
* a < b: a is smaller than b
* a <= b: a is smaller or equal to b
* a > b: a is bigger than b
* a >= b: a is bigger or equal to b
Logical operators
* a and b: True if both a and b are True. False otherwise.
* a or b: True if either a or b or both are True. False if both are False.
* not a: True if a is False, False if a is True.
Floor division //
Modulo %
I am overthinking the quiz questions. Gotta slow down and get into the head of a programmer.
Meanwhile… I am learning about the BLOG feature of Squarespace and how to change the date on a previously published post.